

The Hive

The Hive

Summoning Circle Scramble

An 18 card worker placement game made for the Button Shy 18 card challenge June/July 2020.

Grandma of Theseus

A 9 card bluffing game made for the Button Shy 9 card challenge January/Feb 2022.

XCOM One Card

A fanmade solo mode for XCOM: The Board Game.

The King's Feast

A solo puzzle game created for the Button Shy 18 Card Numbers Challenge April 2022.


An 18 card 5X game made for the Button Shy 18 card flip'n'write challenge June/July 2022.

Carbon Dating

An 18 card puzzle game made for the Button Shy 18 card dinosaurs but... challenge September 2022.

The Viscount's Curse

A tense co-operative deckbuilding game made for the Board Game Geek 54 Card challenge 2023.

Lest We Forget

A deduction puzzle for the Button Shy Holiday challenge 2023

Island Delivery

A quick and punchy "pick up and deliver" experience!