The King's Feast
Every year the King holds a great feast, inviting all and sundry to his castle for one night of rambunctious revelry. Each guest is assigned a seat according to their station in life, but once the party begins the veneer of formality wears off, and for this one evening nobility and peasantry alike are mixed together. The night’s festivities are suddenly cut short as a fortune teller, seemingly in a trance, points at the King. “You shall die tonight, at the hands of your least favoured guest!” The party immediately descends into panic and chaos. To sort out this mess, you’ll need to restore order, getting everyone back to their assigned place in the seating order while avoiding the assassin’s blade!
The goal in The King’s Feast is get each guest back to their assigned place in the seating arrangement without giving the assassin a chance to kill the King. You do this by activating cards’ special effects to flip and swap them, trying to get them closer to their assigned place over time. If you ever use a card’s effect to flip the assassin card face up or peek at it, the assassin uses the confusion of the feast as cover to kill the king, ending the game immediately.
A solo puzzle game created for the Button Shy 18 Card Numbers Challenge April 2022.