

The Hive


Advances in hyperspace technology have lead your civilization into a new age, promising the power to journey among the stars, to explore, and to build a burgeoning empire! And yet, a thought lingers in the back of your mind: what of those who came before? One theory as to why you have not come across another space-faring civilization is the Great Filter: that each potential empire faces a great challenge that threatens its very existence, and that most fail to overcome it. Will your empire flourish in the face of adversity, or crumble before the challenges ahead? These thoughts now fill your mind as your advisers call you in for an urgent, important meeting...

At the start of Flip-5X, you will reveal the great challenge your civilization must face. It will have two different victory conditions, and if you satisfy either one within ten rounds, you win the game. You start out on a single small planet, but over the course of the game you will explore the galaxy, overcome challenges and grow your empire!

An 18 card 5X game made for the Button Shy 18 card flip'n'write challenge June/July 2022.

Print n Play files

Rulebook (pdf)

Cards (pdf)

Player Sheet (pdf)

Reality Shift: A One Card Expansion for Flip-5X (pdf)